Friday, July 21, 2006

mano Pedro com o amigo Paulinho...

... desejosos de estrear a sua criação. "Levámos 1 hora a fazê-lo!"
O entusiasmo era quase palpável, após terem lançado inúmeros outros barcos de papel pequenos, médios, grandes... mas nada comparado ao vermelho "Furacão Negro".
Pegaram-no os dois e cuidadosamente deitaram-no no "lago"... a excitação foi grande! Mas qual Poseidon, o Furacão Negro voltou-se rapidamente e, não fosse a pronta ajuda dos dois marinheiros de água doce, teria sucumbido no leito das águas...

My little brother Pedro and his friend were so excited to try out their creation (look how proud they look!). "We took an hour to make it!"
One could almost touch their enthusiasm, after they had already "launched" countless other small, medium and large boats... but nothing compared to the very red "Black Hurricane".
Booth holded it and placed it carefully on the "lake"... the exitement was great! But, like Poseidon, "Black Hurricane" rapidly turned... If it wasn't for the pront action of these 2 sailors it would have died on the bottom of the lake...


{ trapinhos dot dot } said...

2 piratas :)))

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! And what a great photo!