Sunday, May 28, 2006
"Apanha-me também um poeta!" - Bernard Jeunet
Sunday, May 21, 2006
feira parque das nações - 20Maio
A minha "piquena" banca. Para primeira feira, foi um pouco decepcionante... não houve muito movimento e estavam demasiadas coisas a acontecer no mesmo dia (o evento da bandeira, a queima das fitas, a feira Sorrir, o sol+calor (que é a mesma coisa que dizer "PRAIA!") e estávamos meio escondidas.
Valeu pelas conversas, pelas compras, pela companhia...:)
My first participation at a crafts fair! It was a bit disapointing because there was too much going on on the same day... so, not much movement. But I had a good time... it was fun talking to some of the girls from the blogs and flickr:)
a minha filhota verde
my little green daughter. Tiago and Isma were expecting to see an Hulk-looking character...
Her hair took hours and hours to make!
comprinhas... :)
Crachá e mala (oferecida pelo Tiagão) da "amores de tóquio"; pregadeiras morango+cogumelo da "Michele handicrafts" [ups! devo rectificar que a mala é da Marta Aifos, que partilhava banca com a kitty-san e a sarapico]
Fiquei ainda mais fã das coisas da "amores de Tóquio":) Fiquei de olho também nos crachás com pássaros em origami - lindos!
Shopping through the crafts fair...
Thursday, May 18, 2006
p.s.: Depois hei-de cobrar a publicidade... eheheh
Monday, May 15, 2006
Thursday, May 11, 2006
new hair...
Hoje fui a uma entrevista para trabalhar num "centro" de ATL. Convidaram-me para almoçar e ficar por lá para ter uma ideia do trabalho, das rotinas, etc. Fiquei e fui alvo da curiosidade de vários pares de olhinhos atentos. "Quem é?" "Como é que te chamas?" "Quantos anos tens?"
Estava a almoçar com a outra professora e duas meninas aproximaram-se. Uma perguntou-lhe...
- Como é que ela se chama?
- Sara.
- Ela vai ficar cá?
- Ainda não sabemos, só na Segunda ou Terça.
- Tenho que ir falar com a Direcção para ela ficar cá...
- Ai é? Porquê?
- Porque parece uma rapariga simpática.
E as outras meninas que se escondiam e chamavam "Professora nova! Professora nova!"
Oh boy... isto acaba por criar alguma expectativa... mas estou em paz, seja qual for a decisão:)
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
101 things in 1001 days
You can read more about this project here
1. publish this list on the blog
DAILY the Bible+pray
3.listen to music
4.drink at least 5 glasses of water €0.50 for missions/institutions money
8.use less water when showering house chores
10.feed my turtle, Gertrudes
11.regularly write on my journal guitar at least once a week flute at least once a week my “simply the best” journal (to write down kind things I see other people do)
15.wake up (at least once a week) at 7.00 am, wear sporty clothes+a belt bag with a small notebook+pen and go out for a “thinking/praying walk/run”
16.go to bed before midnight at least 3 days a week with my little brother at least once a week
18.spend 48h without computer
19.create at least 5 things
20.make at least 2 ATCs
21.clean Gertrudes Tiago’s blog
23.give/make something for Tiago
24.chose a person every month and give him/her a little gift and note
25.try a new recipe
26.visit a different place
27.make a doll
28.bubble bath
29.make a package to give to an institution (make a list to choose from) at least one good book on teaching
31.write to Nat
32.give/make something to my godsons by train to somewhere
34.get married
35.get a job
36.go camping
37.make a quilt
38.make a rainstick for Sis’ bday or for xmas
39.“sponsor” a child
41.learn how to ride a bike
42.get a hamster
43.participate in an amateur photography contest
44.make a list of books to read and go through it
45.make a list of movies to watch and watch them through the Bible
47.start a herb garden
48.get a bonsai
49.write an original song and play it in the guitar
50.plant the sunflower’s T’s given me
51.make home-made ice cream a hoola-hoop and use it
53.organize a one color party for kids a sand castle
55.make xmas ornaments
56.write a short story
57.make a time capsule
58.learn how to make a skirt
59.cut on sugar
60.learn how to personalize the look of my blog
61.make a CD/tape with books of the Bible for ladies in the church who can’t read and for both grandmas
62.organize a workshop
63.make a selection of TV programs and reduce TV watch
64.complete at least one long knitted scarf
65.catalog all my books, CDs and DVDs
66.donate uneeded clothes to charity regularly at least one project on the blog
68.make a family tree (investigate)
69.learn how to machine sew better
70.visit Ireland
71.go on a mission trip
72.start a blessings journal
73.try 10 new teas
74.cook meals for friends regularly
75.bake cookies to give at xmas
76.join “Movimento da Escola Moderna”
77.take my students to a classical music concert
78.keep a book of memories and traditions once I marry T
79.keep a prayer journal
80.take at least 2 mini courses on theology/Christianity
81.sell my crafts at a fair
82.use eco-friendly products/items through Portugal
84.explore the old part of Lisbon (photograph, shop at old sewing and book stores, …) 3 friends I haven’t seen in years
86.reduse, reuse and recycle more (to accomplish this, make a list of creative ways to do it, collect ideas from the net+books, etc.)
87.participate in a circle journal
88.go through the closets/drawers regularly and make staches - “keep”, “give”, “through away” the sunrise in a beautiful place
90.choose 15 random people from a phone list and anonymously send an encouraging little pack
91.visit at least 5 museums I’ve never seen
92.make an alphabet book for João
93.act silly/goofy with T publicly and don’t care about it
94.return library books on time comics and discuss them with T
96.learn how to say “friend” in 10 different languages
97.sing in the rain
98.finish at least one altered book
99.organize an original puppet show for kids
100.adopt a child
101.complete this list on time:)
"In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." (Proverbs 16:9)
Saturday, May 06, 2006
from Wishes&Heroes
AHHH! A ilustração ainda está mais bonita ao vivo! Obrigada pelos postais também, Ricardo:) Amei, amei, amei! Os hugs, o roxo, os lugares que aparecem no mapa. Apareceu montargil de propósito? É um sítio muito especial para mim:)
Thanks! 1001 vezes obrigada - de coração:)
Thursday, May 04, 2006
a new window:)
Comecei a trabalhar para a minha primeira feira... AH! scarry... dia 20 algures no Parque das Nações
on her way...
... to the States, for Paula's order:) She's accompanied by 40 animal and flower brooches:)