Monday, October 17, 2005


mini.hug#7, originally uploaded by MadeWithLove.

On his way Sibi...

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

butterflies in my tummy

butterflies in my tummy, originally uploaded by MadeWithLove.

O que me diverti a fazer hoje;)
You all know the feeling of having butterflies in your tummy, right? :)

(€10, portes incluídos)

Sunday, October 09, 2005


pocketpal#1, originally uploaded by MadeWithLove.

A caminho das mãos de uma menina pequenina...

On his way to the hands of a little girl...

Também disponível por encomenda (3.50€, portes incluídos)

From hippyxic

From hippyxic, originally uploaded by MadeWithLove.

Este pacote veio da hippyxic e recheado de coisas boas!

This package came from Hippyxic and was filled with goodies!

Thanks:) O teu pacote já vai a caminho

from photomatom

from photomatom, originally uploaded by MadeWithLove.

Este pacote veio da Photomatom. Olhem só que coisas lindas e fofas!

This package came from Photomatom. Look at all the beautiful and cute goodies!


Thursday, October 06, 2005

Prendinhas da LuCarrapa

Prendinhas da LuCarrapa, originally uploaded by MadeWithLove.

Já chegaram!!!! Yuppy!!! Gostei muito Lu! Obrigada :) É tudo muito fofinho!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


pin#5, originally uploaded by MadeWithLove.

Para a troca com a Photomatom

For a swap:)


mini.hug#4, originally uploaded by MadeWithLove.

A apanhar sol no jardim da minha avó... Este é para uma troca com a Photomatom... Vai a voar até ela, porque tem asas nas costas:)

Getting a tan on my grandma's garden... This one is for a swap with Photomatom... he'll fly to her because he has wings on his back:)

mini.hug#3 (detail)

mini.hug#3 (detail), originally uploaded by MadeWithLove.

Este c uma borboleta vai voar para a menina que me calhou... espero que goste:)

This one (with a butterfly) bwill fly to my secret friend at "Vamos Trocar" (Let's Swap)... I hope she likes it:)

Para o Jónatas

Para o Jónatas, originally uploaded by MadeWithLove.

A minha Sis teve a confirmação que vai ter mais um rapazola! Fiz este baby para comemorar:)

My Sis had the confirmation that her baby is a boy (another one)! I did this baby softy to celebrate:)